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Thanks And You Always Our Success Partner

Why Drupal was chosen: 

We considered various other platforms like Wordpress and joomla. Because of the scalability, flexibility and time-to market required for the project, we chose Drupal 7.28 for this project. Drupal's great strength is in its powerful API ability to customize and overwrite anything. In addition to all this, the modules gave us the ability to build most (if not all of) the site in a very short time. We needed all social networking basic features like Wall, Events and News which made us more inclined not only towards Drupal but to use an out of the box solution (Distribution) build over Drupal, so we used Drupal Commons. Drupal Commons had most of the functionality required, though we built a number of custom functionalities and contributed some modules back to the community. That's the awesomeness of Drupal. We already knew that it would be a project in which we might need to add more and more new features, services etc. Thus, Drupal made an excellent choice considering its superb extensibility.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

We used Views (viesw-7.x) over Drupal 7.28 for its out of the box functionality for features like a slide show vieswl, reports . ctools for all libaraires.

Social Networking