With this patch we got panopoly_magic's Views customizations working on Views that list non-Nodes:

#2144021: Panopoly Magic only provides node view modes for view mode selection

However, we have no Behat tests for that functionality! We need some so we don't break it later.

Unfortunately, the only non-Node entities on a Panopoly site are Files, Users and FPP, which we can't really safely use in a Views test. This is because the tests create those: if a test fails to cleanup after itself correctly (ie. test crashes before finishing due to a bug), there will be left over entities and unrelated tests fail, and we tear our hair out. :-) We had similar problems when depending on demo data or content types we're testing for other reasons.

So! These tests should probably declare a simple Entity type in panopoly_test that we can fully control for the sake of testing.