I created a bundle to allow multiple download files to a panel.

It nicely shows up in de fieldable panels panes admin interface and I can add fields to it.

But when I try to use it in the panels interface "adding content" I can't find it anywhere.

Did I miss something to get it in the add content dialog?


DamienMcKenna’s picture

Have you tried the latest -dev version?

parijke’s picture

Well, I now did... :-)

Nice, the new UI to create the bundles.

I created a new one, but that one still doesn't show up when I want to add it via panels.

parijke’s picture

I am a bit confused, as I can create entities of the bundle (called type?) in the admin interface. Still, the entity created there isn't showing up in the panels interface.

I fact, I would expect that I can create the entity from within panels. Like the panopoly_widgets "Add file"

That is what I am aiming for, but I can't seem to get it right.

parijke’s picture

In a fresh install with panels and fieldable_panels_panes it worked.

So it has something to do with the versions of other modules I guess. Are the dependencies of the module strict like the version of ctools?

DamienMcKenna’s picture

Version: 7.x-1.5 » 7.x-1.x-dev

Other than saying "you should always use the latest releases of Panels and CTools", I don't know if there's a specific problem without looking into it further?