Drupal 5.x has the weight selection. But it disappears from Drupal 6.x


roopletheme’s picture

Blocks still have weights, but you manage them using drag-and-drop on the block admin screen... way easier than the old weight dropdowns.

bass’s picture

Thanks roopletheme。I got it. Yes, easier. But consider user experience, nothing is wrong the old way.

emerygjr’s picture

The absence of the weight creates a problem for long lists. If the number of blocks in a region exceeds 20 the drag and drop does not work. The blocks are created by default starting at -10 incrementing to +10. Everyghing else gets +10. All of the ones at +10 cannot be reordered using the drag and drop tool. The move is ignored.

Please restore the weight and increase the range on the weight.


Emery Gordon

Emery Gordon

scotese’s picture

I have a long list and cannot rearrange my blocks any more using drag and drop is there any way around this?