This is the scenario: we have a website and 3 domains:, and and and link (with APACHE 301 redirect) to
In this site we have installed and configured correctly boost 7.x keep the default configuration and activated the cache for CSS and JS files.

Boost works correctly, it caches the page for anonymous user but we noticed an unexpected behavior:
Some for reasons, when we clear the cache, boost not regenerate the page.
So, when we flush the cache, boost load an old page and in this page there are the old values for the cached JS or CSS files.

It's happened to someone else this thing?


axelpezzo’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
axelpezzo’s picture

Title: Javascript file not found after cache clean » Boost not generate page after clean cache
Anonymous’s picture

Boost only generates a page if it is visited by an anonymous user, so nothing would appear in the cache until then. Your web browser may however show an older version of the page if you are not anonymous because of the headers already sent by boost, so you need to use something like firebug to check that when logged out a cookie DRUPAL_UID is removed and then visit the page, or have two browsers open, one logged in and one not, and clear the cache and then look with the not logged in browser.

axelpezzo’s picture

Thanks for the answer, but i'm sure that i visit my web site by an anonymouse user and i clear all the cache in my browser previously.
I inspect the element when i get the error and i see that html page load a single cached js file that not exist in my file folder (default/file/js).