I've been studying and using Drupal for the last 6 months and feel fairly comfortable with basic development. But as you can imagine, need some consulting support as specific client challenges come up.

CHALLENGES: I currently am developing 3 Drupal sites (with my own following). So I expect a few more issues arise (like file management by user - not role). But currently, I have been spending the last 2 weekends in front of drupal.org trying to solve my registration process issue.

My client wants a simple multi-page questionnaire that leads to multiple registration forms. Each form automatically assigns the user to a role.
The user_autorole module gets me 90% there. It allows me to create registration forms (and links) based on "rolesets".

So, basic nodes (the questionnaire) lead to these different roleset links (like, user/register/client and user/register/advisor). When the registration form is completed they automatically get assigned to that role (client or advisor).

But both registration forms need to be different. So, the problem I am having is that I cannot change the content on each form. I've created ALL the content needed for both forms via the profile_module. But everything shows up on the user/register/client AND user/register/advisor links.

THE NEED: I just need a way to remove the unneeded profile types from each form. Or (if advisor and client forms are really the same form and are just assigning the user to a role) a way to create multiple forms in their place.

I hope you don't mind me explaining the current need in this form. But again, the purpose here is for me to find an experienced Drupal consultant that I can pay by the hour or project/need. I foresee a small but steady amount of requests, which could turn into the outsourcing of complete sites.


kavimclansys’s picture

We would be glad to help you .we have extensive experience in drupal Our engineers can add value to you

Hit me in skype !!

With Regards,
skype :sri.kavi
MSN :kaviasupp@hotmail.com
USA LINE :513 373 4903