As we begin to build out a suite of modules to support the encrypt module, I suggest we create a common namespace as other projects have to provide unity and conformity among the plugins. I propose using the encrypt_[projectname] namespace. Just wanted to post an idea out there on this to begin discussion among module maintainers on how to better position the modules closely with the platform.


rlhawk’s picture

The standard naming protocol now is
_encrypt, but I think your idea makes more sense. It matches the style of Commerce-related modules (commerce_shipping, commerce_discount, commerce_paypal, etc.).

greggles’s picture

What are some examples of modules that would need to change?

I'm flexible on this proposal and don't see a big difference either way - what if there is a module for commerce that does encryption. Would it be commerce_encrypt or encrypt_commerce? We could suggest that if the module extends something else then it be "foo_encrypt" (e.g. webform_encrypt) but if it is for core or an extension of encrypt module that it be encrypt_foo (e.g. encryptfapi).

I think the more important thing is just to create a list of all the modules that use Encrypt and have that list on the Encrypt project page.