Hi. I can set up the feedback form in administer>settings>feedback but I don't see the link in the navigation block for people to send feedback. It looks like other sites have it in the navigation block, is there a trick I'm missing? I've given all users, including guests, the ability to send feedback under administer>access control>feedback module>can send feedback.

Also, I have been trying to set up my menu but I don't have a menu link under administer (mine lists logs then modules then quotes). Is that a problem with the installation? I've been trying to find other ways to display the menu. I'd like something that looks like Geeklog's What's new and Recent Stories.

Thank you very much.



cel4145’s picture

Make sure you have the menu module turned on and that you have given yourself permissions to administrate it. You can then create a custom link to the feedback module by adding a menu item. The url is http://example.com/feedback.

In fact, it's useful to know that any module which has a public page on Drupal can be accessed by adding the module name as listed on your module configuration page to the base url; for example,


HighMaintenanceMom’s picture

Thank you for your reply but I'm still a little lost. I have the menu module turned on and I've given myself permission to administer it. I don't know where to add the menu item because don't have access to the menu link. Is there something else I need to do?

Your example above is very helpful for the primary links. At least my page now has a feedback link at the top.


cel4145’s picture

That sounds awfully strange. One other thing to try. Try accessing the menu by building the url:


Maybe it'll show up then. If so, you might could try adding the link manually or trying menu reset.

HighMaintenanceMom’s picture

I had figured it out doing what you suggested but went back to work on my site and forgot to click post until now. Thanks again.

HighMaintenanceMom’s picture

I wasn't able to see the admin menu under administer but I was able to add a primary link using the example by cel4145 (thank you!) to the admin menu. Once I could click on the menu, I could enable it. I'm not sure why I couldn't enable it in the modules -- I turned it off and on so many times hoping it would work.

It looks like there have been others who have had this problem so here's my hack.

1. Go to administer>themes>configure for your theme (I'm using a variation on box_cleanslate)
2. Add a primary link for menu http://example.com/admin/menu (mine has drupal between my domain name and admin)
3. Click on the new link, enable menus, then delete the link from your theme so others won't be able to access it.

I hope this can help another lost drupal admin. It's made my evening.

navjeet’s picture

I had similar problem with feedback. It still does not come up in nav but I can manually add a menu item and point it to (in may case) http://mywebsite/drupal/?q=feedback and the feedback form comes up fine. See if u can get it going this way.

I checked you website and this url:

does come up with the feedback form fine. So u should in business by adding a menu item manually.


HighMaintenanceMom’s picture

Now that I have menus working and a general understanding of how to manually add items, I can continue to create my site. I appreciate hearing that others have had similar issues.
