What's the meaning of published checkbox when you are editing a node? I guessed that I could first just create a node (without anyone being able to view it), edit it later and publish it when ready. However, it doesn't seem to work that way. The node can been seen wheter the node is set to published or not.

Is it possible to create a node and make it first unaccesible by anyone and then later allow everybody to see it?


wpanssi’s picture

Content Access module maybe could use to do this.. But one would think that there would be simplier solution, so please tell me if there is!

yelvington’s picture

You are mistaken. Unprivileged users do not see unpublished nodes.

amatan’s picture

If you are logged in as a site administrator, you will see everything, published or not. Try logging out and then seeing if you can access the page.

Alex Matan

wpanssi’s picture

Yes, my mistake. Apparently I wasn't logged out when I viewed unpublished page.