UPDATE: I have found someone. Thank you for all your replies.


venkatn’s picture

Hi Mark,

I am very curious to do this. Please contact offline. Thanks.

Jaypan’s picture

Why would he contact someone who doesn't even bother to read the whole post:

UPDATE: I have found someone.

1kenthomas’s picture

Ideally we would have a system to a) remove old posts and b) remove spammy replies like this (bad grammar+new account). We've discussed on and off for years, but no one has had the time to lead. I'll try to check in on the planned new jobs.drupal.org plans, *if* I get a chance. Thanks.

Jaypan’s picture

I'd write a patch for DO to cover issues like this, but I gave up on writing patches for DO, as they sit in the infrastructure queue for months without acknowledgement, so it's a waste of time.

duckzland’s picture

(bad grammar+new account), so only people with good grammar can ever post to d.o?

if you can use drupal why use others?

jjones150’s picture

Because you didn't read to the end of my post.

System Lord’s picture

I can almost see a reason for not deleting these, but a "Topic Closed" option or something similar would be nice.

Jaypan’s picture

Well, if you developed it now, and posted it to the infrastructure team, you could probably get feedback from them in a year or so, and after another year or two of debate, it could be implemented here on Drupal.org!

1kenthomas’s picture

There are a variety of reasons I'm uninclined to ask for official moderator control of Paid Services. One is that I'm skeptical of my snap judgments.

On #drupal-consultants, for a long while, I tried to play the primary moderator role, but did not want ops. Rather, if there was a problem that I felt needed intervention, I issued progressive warnings, then messaged an op such as Michelle for intervention. This seemed to me better, as a second pair of eyes, distanced from the encounter, could make an independent judgment-- and protected me from abusing power.

All that said, my preliminary understanding, is that if I or someone else assumed moderator status here, they could approve infrastructure changes (maybe not).

Possible existing dysfunctions in the community/infrastructure process, notwithstanding. (I'll hold comment).

Jaypan’s picture

Actually, you don't even really need to be a moderator to request a second pair of eyes. The 'report spam' link goes to the webmaster queue, with the settings to report spam pre-selected, but you can change those settings to other values, and request a pair of eyes to look at the comment/topic for whatever reason. Then it's up to the webmasters to decide what to do with it.