It would be a nice idea if one could set ids/classes on a settingspage. Links with these ids/classes then would also trigger the refresh. With this feature you could, for example reload a block that shows bookmarks when the user klicks to add a bookmark. Same would go for a shoppingcart or else.


tripper54’s picture

Hi marcoka,

That's a good idea, I can certainly see the benefit.

I'll add it to the todo list. In the mean time, I'd be happy to look at any patch!

yngens2’s picture

My request is kind of similar, so instead of creating new issue, I've decided just o update this one.

It would be really nice to trigger start refreshing on a button click, but also to stop refreshing if certain conditions met. For example, we would like to use this module together with submit form that sends a command to CLI to track the status of CLI outputs, but then stop refreshing when the command has been executed.

Now, if it's easy to catch "on click" action how we would know if the remote process has been finished or not? Well, the block could use PHP code to constantly retrieve CLI status (in our case) and if certain PHP condition is met then stop refreshing. This kind of functionality would widen use cases of this excellent module.

Another approach is to add a timer to the block, so that user can set let's say only 5 minutes of autorefreshing to work and then permanently stop. In this case our PHP process described above could just nullify timer and the block would stop autorefreshing. Timer would be excellent feature in any case.

tripper54’s picture

@yngens2 , I can see the value of what you suggest. I think it's different enough from the original feature request to warrant a separate issue.

Could you open another issue with this request?


tripper54’s picture

Version: 7.x-2.0 » 7.x-1.x-dev
tripper54’s picture

Version: 7.x-1.x-dev » 7.x-2.x-dev