Hi everybody,

There is a scenario and I need your suggestions about it. I would be grateful if you could lead me.

The scenario:


1 - There will be parent and child terms in the vocabularies that will be created on administrator panel. (Done)
2 - The parent and child terms will be manage by some users that is defined as admin for their parent and child terms. (Done)
3 - The contents will be published by admin on their own groups and their homepage will be specific (Done)
4 - Listing the both of terms on their group pages (Need suggestion)

I have tried solving these three issues by using OG Vocabulary based on Organic Groups. I think it is worked well. A group is created and then a user is defined as admin. The admins can create their groups, their vocabularies and terms for their groups. But the fourth thing is also necessary for the scenario but i don't have any solution about it, the parent and child terms should be listed on their group pages. I have used Views for listing the terms but It is not worked. I have also read some discussions about this integration but there is no progress as I see.

What to do for the fourth?

PS: I also don't need to use Organic Group If these all on the list can be done with another way without Organic Group and OG Vocabulary


couturier’s picture

Panels with CTools is extremely powerful as far as pulling up content in contexts and relationships. I would recommend that you learn more about the Panels module.