
Install the module and enable it according to Drupal standards.

The module's configuration page reside at:
- admin/config/workbench/moderation/email

The module depends on workbench moderation and will display help messages if
that module has not been setup correctly.


Workbench Email requires:
- Workbench Moderation (and dependencies)
- Token


Workbench Moderation's configuration section is located at:
- Admin > Configuration > Workbench > Workbench Email

Depending on what email transtions have been set, the admin can configure each
transitions subject / message.

Checking permissions

In order to use moderate the emails and email transitions, the user must be
given the appropriate role. Navigate to admin/people/permissions and
select Administer Workbench Moderation Emails under Workbench Email for the
appropriate role.

Using the module

Once the module is installed and moderation is enabled for one or more node
types, users with permission may:

* Select the appropriate users that you wish to send an email to when moderated
content is moving through configured email transition.


* If users do not see the node form select list that allows them to select the
user(s) they wish to send an email to, check the email transitions and emails
administration pages. If no email transition is defined, no form option will
display. If no email subject / message is defined, the system will display the
following message:
- No email template is set, so no email was sent. Contact your system admin
to resolve this issue.
* If no email templates are available within the administration area
(at admin/config/workbench/moderation/email), then check that you have email
transitions set (also at admin/config/workbench/moderation/email).
* If no email transitions are available (transitions show up but no roles
can be selected), then no roles have been associated to the moderation of
content. Check Workbench Moderation readme.txt to figure out the correct
permissions for this.

Database schema

Workbench Email uses one database table in the latest iteration of the module.