I’m using project/ed_clasified.

The feature I’m focused on in this request is the display of the expiration date, the options available to reset an expiration, and the function to renew/reset an expired ad.

Ed_classified currently displays expiration in the follow way:

Node/add/classified: an unselectable radio with text that states: “The ad will expired based on the default setting.”
Node/*/edit (published): two radios. One to keep the existing expiration and the other to renew it.
Node/*/edit (expired/unpublished): Same as above.

My needs:

1. I want to remove the display of expiration completely from the first two nodes:
Node/*/edit (published)

2. I want to change what is displayed on Node/*/edit (expired). (see attached image/link)

3. In addition, I want “Save” on Node/*/edit (expired) to renew the ad with a brand new publish date.

Hired work performed to date:
I have a module made, see: https://github.com/barraponto/classified_tweaks that removes the display of expiration from the two above, and creates a new publish date upon save. But now I want to change what is displayed on the expired ad. I hope you can continue with the module.

My request:

I want to work more on the module above "classified_tweaks"

I want the following to display on expired ads: (see linked image: https://drupal.org/files/issues/simple%20text.PNG )

Click "Renew" to post the ad again.
Click "Keep unpublished" to hold on to the ad without posting it again.
Click "Delete" to permanently delete this ad.

NOTE: This is just a plain text statement. The “Renew” “Keep unpublished” and “Delete” buttons referenced here are at the bottom of the form and part of a separate request I made earlier this morning and ties directly into this request. The two request really should be addressed together I suppose. See: https://drupal.org/node/2249451

I don’t expect anyone to understand exactly what my needs or request is just from this, but hopefully I’ve given you enough to decide if this is something you can manage to do.
