I need help with creating a proximity search within views.

My configuration:

I have 4 account types/profiles (using Profile2). Each with their own address field (Location module) in their profle. I have 5 content types. 2 of these have their own address field.

User/Profile 1
User/Profile 2
User/Profile 3
User/Profile 4

Content A, B, C (w/address), D (w/address), E

Profile 1 can create content A
Profile 2 can create content B,
Profile 3 can create content C, B, E
Profile 4 can create content D, B, E

Profile 1 will always be the point of origin. i.e., this account is the only one that conducts searches.

I want User/Profile 1 to be able to search/filter for any content type (A-E) and have only content within X miles to be displayed.

I want 5 predefined distances (10, 20, 40, 60, 120). I do NOT want the user to have to enter a point of origin like a zip code (since their point of origin is their own address field). Users will have only this: Find: item X Within: X miles [Apply]

Note: Content A, B, and E will need a relationship, of course, that relates their content with their profile. C and D do not since they have their own address field.

Please do not respond if you do not have experience with this. I would prefer drupal members that have, at least, provided issue support with views proximity, location, or related.

Thank you!
