What is a scenario?

A scenario is a self-contained Feature that demonstrates a specific use-case for Drupal. Each scenario should start with a script that informs the use-case, actors, and functionality to showcase. A scenario will typically contain:

  • Drupal entities, views and other settings
  • Custom code
  • Scenario data
  • Theme and other design assets

Partner Demo scenario

In this example, we will step through creating a scenario called Partner Demo, a fictitious partner portal for Widget Software.

Scenario enable

Partner Demo scenario script

The script is fairly simple:

  • Chris Barker is a manager at Alpha Agency. Alpha Agency is is an enterprise-level partner for Widget Software.
    • Chris logs in (chris@partner.demo/password) and sees content and events related to Alpha Agency and enterprise-level partners.
  • Ryan Allen is a developer at Pixel Digital Agency. Pixel Digital is a community-level partner for Widget Software.
    • Ryan logs in (ryan@partner.demo/password) and sees content and events related to Pixel Digital.
  • Susan Mills is on the channel sales team at Widget Software.
    • Susan logs in (susan@partner.demo/password) and sees content and events related to partners assigned to her.
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