The block refresh module ( ) loads block content via an ajax page callback in the form


So on taxonomy term pages, the callback would be


If the globalredirect function 'handle taxonomy term paths' is enabled, the above path gets rewritten to


which results in an entire taxonomy term page being rendered inside the block that's supposed to be refreshed.

See #2081071: Callbacks on taxonomy/term pages return the whole page

Note I'm a maintainer of block refresh. I have added a warning in the README of the module saying to turn off this handler in global redirect. But I thought you should still know about this, as it seems like odd behaviour, and might possibly interfere with other modules.


tripper54’s picture

fox mulder’s picture


It causes an ajax error in the URL field of admin/config/content/word-link/add page too ( if word_link module is enabled ), because it's an autocomplete field that uses this path: /word-link/ajax/urls/VALUE and when value is taxonom/term/TID than the whole taxonom/term/TID page is served instead of the expected JSON output

I don't know what is the purpose of this checkbox, but it serves many intresting urls like /a/b/c/d/e/taxonomy/term/TID ( and this includes ajax paths too )