Hi. Once again Entity reference autofill saves my project. And as last time i find something strange happening ;) It is not very critical problem but it will help me to go further with my site.
Here is my configuration:
Content type 1: Venue
- Name (node title)
- Location (Getlocations module)

Content type 2: Event
- Event name (node title)
- Place name (entity ref. with autofill. Reference to "Venue".)
- Location (Getlocations module from "Venue")

When I create a event for the first time it works very well. But when I edit existing Event node and choose different Place name (my Location fields re-fill with new location info) and click save I see two maps: one with old location and another with new one.

I also tried to edit node and manually change Location without touching Place name field. After save it works fine. I see one map with updated location.


jgullstr’s picture

Hi Kolo,

I've tested your config and get the same results. Unfortunately, I'm not familiar with the Getlocations module and its inner workings, so I'll leave this issue open for someone else to tackle.


brandy.brown’s picture

Do you have the "Overwrite existing data" option checked?