Hi, I've installed jquery ui filter, plugin and theme and have the issue described at https://drupal.org/node/2072645 (I'm looking to use tabs and accordion)

Can you advise how to stop jquery css over-riding the default skeleton themes (esp. for fonts and styles), or else how to override the jquery css is relevant skeleton styles.



drupauler’s picture

drupauler’s picture

Title: Jquery Theme overides Skelton » Jquery Theme overides Skeleton CSS
blairski’s picture

You may need to override the jquery ui css in your own style sheet.

For example, add a css rule like this:

.ui-widget {
font-family: font: 14px/21px "HelveticaNeue", "Helvetica Neue", Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif;

You would typically add this in a sub theme. The above will set the font back to what it is in Skeleton.

I'll have a deeper look and see if something can be done in Responsive Skeleton itself to handle this, but in the mean time, the above should help.

drupauler’s picture

Thanks for this - I've not gotten round to understanding sub themes as yet!

Pro-tem I've copied this into jquery theme.css to fix the font. The other immediate issue is styles for links.