I am building an ecommerce website, where I have mostly product marketing related information and need to translate the product content to various languages. Most of them suggested me to go for PIM (PRODUCT INFORMATION MANAGEMENT).
Please help me is it possible to build such a website using DRUPAL or any other CMS.Is CMS good in storing PRODUCT MARKETING INFORMATION.

Thanks in advance.



rhuffstedtler’s picture

Hi Sasi,

Depending on how robust your needs are, you may find that Drupal Commerce is the solution you want. Like other projects in Drupal it is very modular, so you could install only the product and pricing modules if that's all you need, or you could install a complete commerce solution with shipping, taxes, cart, checkout, stored addresses, product bundles, and so on.

The documentation over at drupalcommerce.org is probably the best place to start, but all of the individual modules are documented right here on d.o.