
New to organic groups.

I've created a view of group content (nodes) to display on the user pages. The view shows content that the user (from the page argument user/n) has access to. I originally started by using "The OG Groups of the logged in user" for Groups Audience contextual filter, but I wanted something like "The OG Groups of the user object in the URL". So I changed for a custom query to return the gids.

if (arg(0) === 'user') {
  $query = db_select('og_membership', 'ogm');
  $query->condition('ogm.etid', arg(1), '=');
  $query->condition('ogm.entity_type', 'user', '=');
  $query->fields('ogm', array('gid'));
  $results = $query->execute();
  $arguments = '';
  foreach($results as $result) {
    $arguments .= $result->gid . '+';
  return rtrim($arguments, "+");

Is there another way to do this without a custom query? Like using the OG relationships?
