Colorful China is one of the leading tour operators of China's Yunnan province. The old website looked like a flashback to the old Geocities times. The new website handles traffic much better and gives a clearer navigation structure for our customers. We actively decided against an online shopping solution, as flexibility and personal service are key in this niche of our industry.

Why Drupal was chosen: 

Drupal offers all flexibility a designer, administrator and developer could dream of. It also scales well and is well documented.

Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Our goal was to not only refurbish the old website, but to reinvent it for the current times. We wanted to start quite simple, but over the time, features were added, removed or moved. The navigation is by now in it's third (and maybe not final) iteration.
One of our Goals was to educate our customers about our products, before they initiate first contact with us. We provide different descriptions of our products (overview and detailed), right alongside with our contact sheet. The outcome is very positive, as our requests have started to become more detailed and make more sense.
Running with Drupal gave us the opportunity to be at the right spot at the right moment.

Technical specifications

Drupal version: 
Drupal 7.x
Key modules/theme/distribution used: 
Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

Omega is well documented, adaptive theme. It does what it should and can be taught new tricks easily.
Running on a shared hosting environment, Boost is essential in keeping the service as quick as possible until we upgrade to a VPS.
Domain Access is needed to run our German sister site on the same Drupal install under a different domain.
Leaflet is essential for all maps (GIS) on our website. We needed a simple solution to import path directly from Google Maps and Leaflet with it's sub-modules has proven it's strenghts (although it was quite hard to set-up and get it right).

Using Leaflet to showcase our information has been essential.
Our tour overview page with it's menu-structure to only show the wanted/needed information.
Travel and Hospitality