The following examples illustrate RDF API usage.

Language-tagged literals

To create language-tagged plain literals, you can use the rdf_literal() API function as follows:

rdf_literal('Hello!', 'en');
rdf_literal('Wazup?', 'en-US');
rdf_literal('¡Hola!', 'es');

Datatyped literals

When dealing with datatyped literals, RDF API functions allow you to work with standard PHP types for those cases where an obvious mapping exists between the PHP type and an equivalent XML Schema type; these are as follows:

XSD serialization: xsd:boolean
XSD unserialization: xsd:boolean
XSD serialization: xsd:integer
XSD unserialization: xsd:integer, xsd:long, xsd:unsignedLong, xsd:unsignedInt
XSD serialization: xsd:double
XSD unserialization: xsd:double, xsd:float, xs:decimal
XSD serialization: xsd:string
XSD unserialization: xsd:string, xsd:normalizedString, xsd:token, xsd:language

For dealing with any other datatyped literals, wrap the lexical representation using rdf_literal(); some examples follow.

Base-64 encoded data

rdf_literal(base64_encode($text), NULL, xsd::base64Binary);

Dates and times

rdf_literal('2007-12-31T23:59:59Z', NULL, xsd::dateTime);
rdf_literal('2007-12-31', NULL, xsd::date);
rdf_literal('23:59:59.123-06:00', NULL, xsd::time);