Hi all,

This problem happens to me everytime I configure a multilangual website.
The pattern for my taxonomy-URL is as follows (using Pathauto i18n Taxonomy)


I have 2 languages on my site and this is the taxonomy-structure:

-item 1
--item 1.1
--item 1.2

-item 2
--item 2.1
--item 2.2

When I rebuild links in language A, the path is correct. But when I switch to language B, the path somehow doesn't add the taxonomies parent.
Strangely, the other way around happens when I rebuild links in language B: paths in lang B are correct, but not in lang A...

Rebuild links with site in Lang A
http://mysite.com/langA/item1/item 1.1
http://mysite.com/langB/item 1.1

Rebuild links with site in Lang B
http://mysite.com/langA/item 1.1
http://mysite.com/langB/item1/item 1.1

What could be the problem?