Ok, so here's what I'd like to setup;

Users make blog entries and they are published right away to their personal blog and can be viewed. The entry also shows up in the submission queue. If enough votes are recieved - that particular blog entry is promoted to the front page. If enough votes are placed against it, it is simply removed from the queue and no longer considered for display on the front page - but it remains in the users personal blog (and remains listed in 'recent blogs' and stuff).

I haven't been able to figure out how to accomplish this. The best I can do is that the blog entry is removed entirely (including removed from the users personal blog) when enough it recieves enough votes against it.

Any ideas? Is this even possible with the right combination of options or will I need to tackle the core code to accomplish this?

A side question.. if I could accomplish the above scenario (one step at a time here), I would like to have a checkbox option for users when creating a new blog entry. "Do not consider entry for front page" or something.. such that it is merely published to their personal blog and never enters the moderation queue for front=page consideration.

am I making sense? To me, this means I could run a site where my users make blog entries (there are no 'story's or anything else for them to submit) and the better entries are promoted.

Any direction/advice is appreciated.


Anonymous’s picture

I went ahead and tackled this tonight and got it going as I wanted. It took some very minor editing of the queue module and a bit more editing on the node module. Both objectives have been achieved.

I saw someone else in an old post trying to implement a similar concept, so if anyone finds it helpful, here are the changes to the queue.module (working with fairly current CVS version):

I simply commented out this line:
$node->status = 0;
on both lines 68 and 80 (this covers the case of being voted below the removal threshhold and expiring).

This will leave the node published, but out of the queue and no longer able to make it to the front-page.

It leaves open the possibility for the user to simply edit his node and it ends up back in the queue.. I had to add a bit of logic in node.module to fix that up (as well as add the ability to opt out of consideration for the queue entirely when submitting a node). The changes were a little more extensive (and frankly, quite suited to my needs), but I'll post them if anyone is interested.

torgeirb’s picture

See feature request here: [feature] let a user specify if her blog entries should be votable

Also known as 'the really old feature request'. Some of us weren't even born yet. Has it's time finally come? ;)