Since a long time i get this error in my site log messages (The file permissions could not be set on cache/normal/****_name=****_name=****_name=****_name=...etc).

Note: The stars represent a random greatly repeated characters and numbers like this (e6&31bc_name).

are there Any known fix for this error?


asaoah’s picture

Component: Code » Caching logic
Anonymous’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (won't fix)

It's not an error, a bot is trying to send spam through your contact form. Write a rewrite rule to 404 it if it i bothering you, but it is unlikely that the bot will care as they don't bother looking for return codes. The error is caused by the attempt to cache an unfeasibly long file name.

jelo’s picture

Is this always a bot trying to send spam? I seem to have this issue with views that have pagers, ajax enabled and exposed filters.

The error is caused by the attempt to cache an unfeasibly long file name.

Views seems to generate such long file names. Does the logic by default prevent this or is there a way to get it to work with views properly?

jelo’s picture

Well, just found this issue which is exactly what I referred to...