I'm new to panopoly so excuse me if I'm wrong, but...

There are several places in panopoly_widgets.module where default language and settings are assumed. For example function panopoly_widgets_ctools_content_subtype_alter(&$subtype, &$plugin)

82: if ($plugin['module'] == 'menu_block' && $subtype['menu_title'] == 'Main menu')
108:   if ($subtype['category'] == 'Node' || $subtype['category'] == 'Entity') {

and so on

Main menu title can be easily changed, $subtype['category'] and other variables get translated (localized) before they're compared to the hardcoded default/english values.


dsnopek’s picture

Hrm, yes. Do you know where the translations come from if customized? For example, would it be enough to change the referenced code to:

if ($plugin['module'] == 'menu_block' && $subtype['menu_title'] == t('Main menu'))
if ($subtype['category'] == t('Node') || $subtype['category'] == t('Entity')) {

(ie. adding t() around the string values?)

In the case of the menu_block, it might be possible to get a machine name to reference too. But with the category, I think those are only ever human-readable values.