I was looking at how the Mozilla community is managing their support forums. And noticed that they have a "Was this helpful to you?" button to ask for basic feedback.

Knowing that an issue, patch or documentation has been useful to someone else can be a really strong motivator for a maintainer or contributor to do more.

It's less work than a thank you which motivates some #2200579: Find Co-Maintainers for Twitter Module but might be easier for folks to start doing.

This seems like it could be a potentially useful add-on. Would be useful to know if there are any metrics on how this or other UI changes have helped change participation in this support forum.

Firefox Support Forum with Button


mgifford’s picture

Issue tags: +mozilla
lanetterm’s picture

this sounds great...how do we make this happen?

darol100’s picture

Great idea....... I hear about this on DrupalCon at Austin 2014.

Tschet’s picture

I think this would be very helpful.

drumm’s picture

See also https://groups.drupal.org/node/209448 for existing work on this.

mgifford’s picture

That's definitely one way that this small feature could evolve. However, it could just be used as a factor for Solr. We should be directing folks to pages that others have found useful.

darol100’s picture

Someone suggest to me this feature on the forum in Drupal.org (https://www.drupal.org/node/2314115.) And I was wondering, what will be the next step to implementing something like this in Drupal.org ? There are few module with that have ability of like or dislike. Like this one.... https://www.drupal.org/project/likedislike

Your idea of integration this feature with Solr will improve drupal.org search.

mgifford’s picture

Hey @darol100 - Glad you like the idea of integrating with Solr.

Steps are (as I understand them):
0) Make a mockup of the implementation and get buyin for the design.
1) Get access to the drupal.org servers so you can experiment with solutions - https://www.drupal.org/contribute/drupalorg/code
2) Get a sandbox where you can test your solution
3) Create a patch & point folks to the testing site with your modifications

darol100’s picture


When you said "Make a mockup of the implementation and get buyin for the design." you mean to create a prototype ?

I'm currently busy with a few projects but as soon I have time I will like to start working on this feature. I think this is something that Drupal.org needs to have it.

mgifford’s picture

Yes, a prototype folks to look at would be great. Having something more tangible for folks to look at will help build excitement around actually implementing it.

Thanks for your help when your other projects slow down a bit.

joachim’s picture

Presumably this could just be implemented with Flag, which already runs on d.org.

youssef42’s picture

Anything new here?

I am currently working on redesigning the likedislike module to get a 'is helpfull' module.

darol100’s picture

Hey All,

I have been open an issue to start working on working on something very related to this issue. #2489964: Reputation system for Drupal.org - This issue is concentrating mainly on the issue comments. We need more feedback on how we can solve this issue.

YesCT’s picture

it helps a lot to make issues that are related to each other... related in the issue meta data...

mgifford’s picture