I'm trying to implement Disqus SSO on a Drupal 6 site. The disqus.info file says version = "6.x-1.9+12-dev" if that makes any difference.

I've emailed Disqus support, and they've turned on SSO for the account.

I wasn't able to find anyplace in the Disqus dashboard that gives the Public/Private key pair that's requested immediately above the Single Sign-On Checkbox. Is a key pair required for this feature to work?

With the checkbox clicked - "PlugInCars.com" does show up as a choice for logging in.

Selecting that login choice, a window pops up on this URL: http://.../user/login?destination=disqus%2Fclosewindow

The window says I don't have permission to access this. It appears to because there's a permission required.

  $items['disqus/closewindow'] = array(
    'title' => 'Please wait',
    'description' => 'Once the user logs in through the Disqus login workflow, they are redirected here to automatically close the popup window.',
    'access arguments' => array('view disqus comments'),
    'page callback' => 'disqus_closewindow',
    'file' => 'disqus.admin.inc',
    'type' => MENU_CALLBACK,

The problem is that none of the Disqus permissions show up in the User Permissions table. I suppose what's happening is because the access check is failing (don't have the required permission) the login attempt fails.

Commenting out the access arguments line shown here doesn't make any difference - even after flushing the caches.