Hi people,

I have a great idea for site, where people can be members, and offer their services, but also they can purchased one of another within the site.
So, the functions of the site will be: membership, profile of members, sefvice offers, and online payment.
Can you tell me is drupal capable to create that type of web sites?

Thank you very much


julitroalves’s picture

I think that Open Deals distribution can help you to build that type of web site.


socceronly’s picture

There are also some paid modules for paid memberships and paid content creation.

They might help.

I think Ubercart and Commerce both have paid membership modules too. Though I have never used them.

Jaypan’s picture

Paid modules come with their own problems: https://drupal.org/node/2110635

Commerce and Ubercart are better options for selling paid memberships.

crumpetallc’s picture

Yes, I've built several of these types of sites. Look into the commerce and rules modules.

djmar’s picture

Thanks all of you for great help :)

So, you think that really everything can be done in drupal, even database too?
Because, user should made list of their products and offer them for sale, for exemple, so there should be database for those products I suppose, and later on, procedure for selling those products.

WorldFallz’s picture

Yes, drupal is db based so it can handle a collection of products. As the other posters mentioned, checkout the commerce and ubercart modules (specifically commerce_marketplace and ubercart_marketplace). I find commerce to be more powerful, flexible, and 'drupally', while other report ubercart is simpler to use but less flexible.