Hi, here is a concept for a very basic marketplace type of setup using basic cart module.

What basic_cart_marketplace.module will require is the entity_reference.module

How it would work if this module is enabled.
In the admin section under basic cart you would find a new tab called "Marketplace"

  1. You will have the options to select one content type to be the store. (radio button)
  2. First you would need to complete a text field asking the field_name of the email field in the selected store content type that contains the store email address
  3. Then there is a second text field asking the field_name of the entity reference field that is present in the selected product content types.

When installing this module there will be a feature to auto create an email field in the selected store content type and a entety_referance_field in every selected product content type.

And wolla, you have an eStore website.

The email to be sent at checkout can be calculated by following the entity reference in the ordered products to get the store email address (I can build a view to calculate this but have no idea how to code it)

With this setup you can then build views that can do amazing things like.

  • Display products per store
  • Display orders per store
  • Display order per product

And with entity reference tokens you can have links to the store page in the email or even bigger things like a terms and conditions textfield referance in a store page.

I can help build those types of views if anyone is interested to help me build this basic marketplace module

Any ideas? Thanks


vlooivlerke’s picture

Issue summary: View changes
eboss’s picture

subscribe for this module :)

vlooivlerke’s picture

Hi, I desperately needed this module, so I created it by using the following modules.

Entity forms
Entity referance
Entity rules
Entity prepopulate

This will enable you to create a product that refers to an estore. You can then order the product via an Entity form with the product and estore prepopulated in the form.

Problem with this is you can't add multiple products to a cart and can only order one at a time via a custom email form
What is cool is you can have views for the customer showing his orders and a view for the store showing all there ordered products.

If you can code, I will build the module form interface like admin.inc and get the basic module up, but I cant code the integration with other entity's.

eboss’s picture

sorry, I can not code at all. So far I only users various existing modules without coding skills. maybe other members can help?.

I'm sure this will be an alternative interesting drupal marketplace.