
Would it be opposable to make use of https://drupal.org/project/email to replace the email field that basic cart order creates.

Reasons why:

1. email field will be included in core in drupal 8
2. email field has some validations build in
3. I use email field and had an existing field called field_email that led to errors when I activated basic cart order module. I think if you are going to create an email field on your site calling it field_email would be the first choice.
4. Using email field will make basic cart even more basic in size
5. Email field has views integration

A suggested bug Fix if email field module cant be implemented.

Change the field_email in order to field_order_email or field_basic_order_email
In this way it will not conflict with field_email that could be created by a user using the email module



HLopes’s picture

Change the field_email in order to field_order_email or field_basic_order_email
In this way it will not conflict with field_email that could be created by a user using the email module

Yes please.

There will be collisions with any field named field_email created previously when enabling the module and during cron runs, unless it happens to have the same config.

Daniel Wentsch’s picture

Yes, there should really be a better way of collecting order emails.

I tried deleting field_email and recreate it as an email type field with the same name, but this broke the ability to send emails entirely.

I think the best way to handle this and avoid conflicts with existing fields would be to have an option to choose the field name that contains the email address of the order via token.

Best regards,

elbeo’s picture

I second #2

elbeo’s picture

Any chance we get a comment on this issue? See also https://www.drupal.org/node/2419163.
Or any hints on how to restore the ability to send emails after an email type field has been created?