Hi everyone,
I am new here. One of my clients wants to setup a site with community blogs, i.e., each member can have a blog on this site. Does Drupal handle this? Would registration be automated like blogspot.com

If Drupal doesn't have such a feature, do you have any suggestions for a softwrae that can do this.

Thanks for any advise.


Jeff Burnz’s picture

It would depend on the specific requirements for your project, however, Drupal can be configured to have a blog per user and users can register without admin approval.

sepeck’s picture

Turn on blog module, grant appropriate rights to the role and that's it. This may or may not fit in your full descriptions/assumptions on what you mean by 'each member can have their own blog'.

Short answer yes. Including the registrations part.

-Steven Peck
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-Steven Peck
Test site, always start with a test site.
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