SurveyCompare is a paid survey comparison website. Visitors can compare the rewards and standard of service offered by different market research companies and sign-up with their favourites all in one go.

The website was launched in the UK in 2009 and has grown dramatically. It now operates in more than 50 countries, and millions of people around the world have used SurveyCompare to sign-up with some of the world's leading market research companies.

Why Drupal was chosen: 

Drupal was chosen for SurveyCompare for a number of reasons:

  • Drupal is the best CMS option for creating multi-lingual sites.
  • It's very easy to customize design elements, so we can get the site looking exactly as we want it.
  • Much better integration with other back-end systems (e.g. Sugar) than other CMS systems we have tried in the past.
  • It's easy to create highly customizable forms.
  • Great range of modules.
  • Great community to share ideas with.
Describe the project (goals, requirements and outcome): 

Our goal is to provide our visitors with the most accurate and up to date information about the market research companies we choose to feature. We want people to sign-up with the companies that are right for them, so we compare all sorts of information about how the surveys are taken how users are rewarded for their time.

We also have an active community of our own and share money saving tips and advice on our blog and through our social media channels.

Technical specifications

Why these modules/theme/distribution were chosen: 

SurveyCompare was built on a custom theme. The site uses a mix of off the shelf and customized modules. The off-the shelf modules we use were chosen as they make publishing new content to the website simpler for our team.

It's very important to us that the information presented on our website is completely up to date. Things are always changing so the site needs to be updated regularly, and without these modules the process wouldn't run as smoothly.

These modules also help us track users as they interact with the site, which in turn helps us improve the quality of the service we offer.

Project team: 

Simon V
Agnese Geka
Shane Dowling

Valued Opinions Review
Registration page
Small business


bhatmahesht’s picture

It seems your websites is different than a just a CMS and little more complex too. Nice to see drupal was chosen with some of the off the shelf modules. Good work

Passionate about Drupal