I'm using the Apachesolr views integration module for rendering json response to ajax requests made from a client with the view format set as 'Json data document' facilitated by the Views Datasource module. The functionality implemented is such that on requesting the view's first display when there's no resultant the 'No Response Behavior' has a global text area configured to retrieve a predefined outcome of another display from the same view serving as a fallback to show a default output.

I have ensured that the same contextual filters in specific order are used in both the above mentioned display modes of the views with the "Inherit contextual filters" option checked on in my no response view (cloned and modified the first display mode).

The problem I am facing is that on having input with the no response behavior the resultant display provides themed output of both empty displays while ideally it should have been serving the predefined json outcome from the second display.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<result>&lt;div class="view view-myview-default view-id-myview_default view-display-id-page_1 view-dom-id-myview_default-page_1"&gt;&lt;div class="view-empty"&gt;
      &lt;div class="view view-myview-default view-id-myview_default view-display-id-page_4 view-dom-id-myview_default-page_4"&gt;
      &lt;/div&gt;    &lt;/div&gt;

I suspect that this pertains to usage of the preview() function which in turn makes call to render() to try and produce HTML themed output while using execute() might have been more ideal. But hacking any of the contributed modules being a recipe for disaster I am trying to figure alternatives on this matter.

Any suggestions or insights on the matter would be much appreciated.