
I have installed apache/mysql using XAMPP. While installing in early stage I got a message that

Consider increasing your PHP memory limit to 16M to help prevent errors in the installation process. Increase the memory limit by editing the memory_limit parameter in the file /opt/lampp/etc/php.ini and then restart your web server (or contact your system administrator or hosting provider for assistance). See the Drupal requirements for more information. (Currently using PHP memory limit 8M)

I ignored this continued . But I got some fatal error while creating database. I increased memory and restarted xampp. Now I clicked on http://localhost/install.php. It looks like it created database. I am not really sure. I see page where choose lanuge, verify requirements, Setup Database are checked in green . The Install site , configure site are NOT links any more. I can access drupal web site, but don't know userid/password since I did not set.

How do I make it so that I can edit my site name and set admin id/password.

Thanks for looking into the issue.


00qazs’s picture

i think you should run the install file like this:

chinni12’s picture

I tried it using following

It changed(redirected) the url to

I clicked on Install drupal in English. Immediately I see green items until setup database and then install site, configure site are not any more links. Here is the source html for the screen I see. I dont' know if I can paste screen shot here.

<ol class="task-list"><li class="done">Choose language</li><li class="done">Verify requirements</li><li class="done">Set up database</li><li class="active">Install site</li><li class="">Configure site</li><li class="">Finished</li></ol>

VM’s picture

Drupal does not create the database for you. The database must be created, the database user and database permissions set up by you within your XAMMP installation before installing drupal.

YOu then feed drupal the necessary information for the creation of the tables in the database.

Drupal needs the DB location , in your case localhost
DB user & DB password which you set up when you create the DB using your XAMMP installation.

watch this videocast on installing Drupal 6 = http://drupal.org/node/210718

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chinni12’s picture

Installed from scratch. This time I increased memory for php before staring installation of drupal and it worked fine. Thanks for your help.