Updated: Comment 0


There are a lot of places in core where you as a person has more knowledge about a type of a variable than your static tools/IDE.
PhpDoc/PSR-5 supports to use inline documentation for that usecase, see the following example:

Here is simple example. The mana

    /** @var \Drupal\config_translation\ConfigMapperInterface $mapper */
    $mapper = $this->configMapperManager->createInstance($plugin_id);


  • Better support for static analyse tools/code refactoring
  • Better support for api docs, like api.drupal.org
  • Better autocompletion in IDEs
  • Better documented code, as it explains better what is going on.


  • None so far?

Proposed resolution

Remaining tasks

User interface changes

API changes


moshe weitzman’s picture

+1 from me. I don't see a CON either.

tim.plunkett’s picture

This is already used in HEAD in more than a dozen places, not counting hundreds of usages in Symfony.
+1 for codifying it.

jhodgdon’s picture

I do not see a problem with it either.

However, I would just like to point out that I suggested putting /** */ comments inside of hook_element_info() in order to get rid of the Form API reference over on #1617948-14: [policy for now] New standard for documenting form/render elements and properties, and on #19, sun said it was bad (elaborated lower down), and on #28 effulgentsia said it was bad, for two different reasons.

If we are able to do this, can we also go back to the idea of getting rid of the friggin horrible unmaintainable form API reference and put element documentation inside hook_element_info() (which I think we still have for 8, right?)?

fietserwin’s picture

+1 on this one as well. The cons mentioned by @sun and @effulgentsia in the other issue are not correct in the first place.

@sun: never ever use multi line comment in function/metgod block: not true, see #2.
@effulgentsia: mass commenting out: Most IDE's support this. E,g. ctrl + / in, at least, PhpStorm and Eclipse, ctrl + Q in notepad++ (not even an IDE, but a text editor).

jhodgdon’s picture

fietserwin: Which suggestion are you giving the +1 to exactly?

sun’s picture

jhodgdon’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (duplicate)

Yes, it is. I thought this was that other issue. :)