Since some time you could use the issue search without being loged in. When I'm using the search at the modules page search block I get no results and somewhere stands in smallest letters "you have to log in" ... it is kind of annoying.

And once you use the log in link you are not getting back to the search you are redirected to the issue creation form. Kind of wired...


Jaypan’s picture

I'm finding that search results for issue queues also throw the white screen of death as often as not.

Nchase’s picture

typically Drupal: No one really cares....

Jaypan’s picture

It's not that nobody cares, it's that we're all volunteers. They are working on Finding a CTO for, which hopefully will help focus on issues like this better.

WorldFallz’s picture

in addition to what jay said... what exactly did you expect to happen by dropping a random post about a possible bug into a thread in the general discussion forum? The odds of anyone who can actually do anything about this even seeing your post are pretty much 0.

The place to report bugs related to the upgrade is D7 upgrade QA queue. In fact, there's already an issue about it: #2136119: Text search on issue queues is slow and sometimes WSODs-- it's a pretty big issue, with lots of related issues and a lot of hard work is going into it from lots of awesome people. However, if you're only planning to post on that thread in order to complain without volunteering or adding any additional info, I recommend you don't bother and just click the 'follow' button.