Does your community/library/archive/museum/association give awards, grants, or scholarships, or maintain special collections? If you do, do you track their history? By this, we mean not just the recipients but any other changes over time, such as a sponsor’s name or the type of recognition, amount of remuneration, or object condition.

We are working on a grant proposal to further develop a product we had built specifically for awards and grants tracking. We want to expand it so that it can handle collections of various kinds and to make it possible to display collections and items (or characteristics of those items) that change over time. This project would capture these changes, making the display searchable and browsable with the history of any changes readily available. We would incorporate EAD (encoded archival description). Our intention is to complete development and release this product to the open source community.

1. Would your group or organization be interested in such a product?
2. Do you know of any commercial or open source product that can do this? If so, what is it, and can you direct us to someone who uses it?


WorldFallz’s picture

You can build this with drupal for free quite easily, so I don't anticipate much interest in a paid product for such a thing here. Are you sure you know the audience you're posting to on or did you randomly post here due to the .org TLD?