Hi, and thanks for your great module. I know this is not your issue but I really need support here.

I need to customize my H1 in some pages that generated by Views module. I found out that meta abstract is not really useful with current search engine and I decide to use it on page.

I put those code in template.php:

function mytheme_preprocess_page(&$variables) {
// Get the abstract meta tag to use in mytheme_preprocess_region and transfer it to region--preface_first.tpl.php to use as h1 title
  if (array_key_exists('global', $variables['page']['content']['content']['content']['metatags'])){
    if (array_key_exists('abstract', $variables['page']['content']['content']['content']['metatags']['global'])){
      global $my_h1;
      $my_h1 = $variables['page']['content']['content']['content']['metatags']['global']['abstract']['#attached']['drupal_add_html_head'][0][0]['#value'];

function mytheme_preprocess_region(&$variables) {
  global $my_h1;
  if (isset($my_h1)){
    $variables['metatag_abstract'] = $my_h1;

and in my region--preface_first.tpl.php file:

if (isset($metatag_abstract)){
  echo '<h1 class="title" id="page-title">'.$metatag_abstract.'</h1>';

Shame on me. I'm a designer, not a developer so my code looks very ugly. And it not work all the times. Sometime, the ['abstract'] isn't in ['global'], it's in [taxonomy_term:my_taxonomy_term_name] and I just don't know how to make it work in all cases.

Help me please.

(And I think use Abstract for the H1 tag is a good idea!)


DamienMcKenna’s picture

What types of pages are these? Taxonomy term pages or custom Views pages? Where is the abstract value being set?

nlhnam’s picture

This is a view for taxonomy term. And the abstract was set by the Metatag module, with "By path" method.

Sorry if not provide enough information.