When suggesting a term that is not approved and goes to approval queue and then gets approved, the term is not returned to node.

When I enter non-existant term to freetagging field, it tells me on save it goes to approval queue. When I approve it, it appears in terms list of taxonomy, but the node suggesting it doesn't have it listed in freetagging field.

This is a make or break issue.


Demoshane’s picture

Managed to isolate the problem. Unitag doesn't play together with domain.

Adding after drupal_write_record() on line 439:

    if (db_table_exists("domain_taxonomy_access") == TRUE) {
      // Update to domain records for full access.
      db_query(" INSERT INTO {domain_taxonomy_access} (tid, gid, realm, grant_view, grant_update, grant_delete) VALUES ('%s', 0, 'domain_site', 1, 0, 0)", $term['tid']);

adds support for domain_access.