This profile is a great way for a LETS to get up and running quickly. I installed the profile to test it out for my LETS's upgrade. Being a Drupal developer I decided to start fresh with the Community Accounting module because I found a couple issues that bothered me.

It appears user fields are being added programmatically and the admin/config/people/accounts/fields page to modify these fields is disabled. This presented a bit of a problem changing the country in the profile's address field. During install the instance of addressfield is created with specific (arbitrary) countries - English, for example, only allows US and UK as available countries.

With no access in the UI to change the field instance settings you need to either change then in the database or use the appropriate hook. I'm not even sure which is the right hook because adding a country with a simple form alter will result in edit/registration failures without any error message.

Another issue is with hierarchical select. This module has become more and more buggy as its development has stalled. Out of the box in this profile it prevents any taxonomy terms from being edited.

I hope this isn't too negative. I really appreciate the time put into this profile and the mutual_credit module which I plan on submitting some patches for soon.



alauzon’s picture

Hi Saren, I had the same issue regarding not having the UI available. After a bit of frustration I discovered that the Field UI module was disabled. I simply re-enabled it and I could finally have access to the field UI.