i want to create a form with content type that can add new user .it's a process of inscription of new user with username and password fields.some have an idea of this?


nevets’s picture

Why not add fields to the registration/user form?

drupal_web’s picture

but how can relate that with registration/user? because i want to add 2 field username and password related with drupal.and i want inject them in a multistep form node.

WorldFallz’s picture

When adding fields to the user entity there's an option for including it in the registration form. Then you'll just need to make the registration form multistep (there's a couple of modules for this, or you can just custom code it).

drupal_web’s picture

have u an documentation or video explain that please? beacause i install the registration module but i can 't release that.

WorldFallz’s picture

explanation of what? I'm not sure what it is you're trying to do, since you don't need the 'registration' contributed module to add fields to the user entity and expose them on the core user registration form.

drupal_web’s picture

so how can doing that?i don't understand you.you can send a photos with impr screen pls?

WorldFallz’s picture

Again, I ask-- do what? Assuming you mean add fields to a user, simply navigate to admin/config/people/accounts/fields and add whatever fields you want. When you add fields, there will be an option for 'Display on user registration form.' to determine whether or not the field should show on the registration form ('required' fields must be on the registration form).

drupal_web’s picture

yes I know that, but what I want is how to add and connect the fields in a type of private content. this means in admin / structure / types / add and not in admin / config / people / accounts / fields.so I summarize, I want to make a content type that contains background processes by customizing registration steps and I want to add in this type of fields and from the fields there are two different fields username and password and both bind to database tables where drupal add new users.i 'hope so you understand me now in this post .

WorldFallz’s picture

Not 100%, but to integrate a content type with users you can use the profile2 module.

drupal_web’s picture

assuming i have create a new content type named "sign in" how can i put this two fields in this content and can really add this user when i click in button sign in?