Has anyone implemented an OR query using EntityFieldQuery with Mongo?

I have found solutions to implement db_or with addTag for sql queries, but this doesn't work with Mongo because it boils down to a select query.


jyee’s picture

Title: EntityFieldQuery with OR » EntityFieldQuery with OR (backport EntityQuery OR to Drupal 7)
Project: MongoDB » Drupal core
Version: 7.x-1.0-rc2 » 7.x-dev
Component: Field storage » entity system
Category: support » feature

EFQ is part of core, so this should likely be moved to that issue queue. There has been work on the Drupal 8 EntityQuery system (the successor to EFQ) and OR conditions have been added to that, but I'm not certain if there is a plan to backport that to Drupal 7.