Currently drush does not bootstrap drupal 8 database (drush si), tested on D8 git repository. The official drush docu on github suggests drush master branch to use for D8. So I did a

git clone --branch master drush
git status #On branch master

> README.txt
> Drush development is no longer being done on the branch 'master'.
> Please run 'git checkout 8.x-6.x' to continue.

The master branch seems to be the branch of 8.x-6.x which is just drush 6.0-dev whereas this version clearly states that it does not work with D8. "Drush 6.0-dev does not support Drupal". I noticed that the master branch contains which declares "drush_version=7.0-dev".

So how to enable drush (7?) to work with D8 (alpha) as D8 earns interest for people to try out but don't want to miss the flavours of drush?

If DRUSH / D8 are broken, please update the official information for other users!

additional info: this issue has been reported on, too.


wschleicher’s picture

"Issue" has been solved by using Github repo as announced on Thanks to drush owner for pointing me in the right direction!

greg.1.anderson’s picture

Status: Active » Closed (fixed)

Glad to hear your problem was solved.

lolandese’s picture

Can you please provide the necessary terminal commands to accomplish an upgrade from Drush version 6.0 to the one that supports Drupal 8? I tried several but with no success.


wschleicher’s picture

Not sure what's meant about drush 'update'. Just remove the old drush folder and its symbolic link and get a fresh git version. In my case there are no drush ALIAS or PATH settings inside .bash_profile.

## drush_version=7.0-dev [D6,D7,D8]
cd /usr/local
rm -rf drush-7.x
git clone --branch master drush-7.x
#cd /usr/local/drush-7.x
#git status
#git branch -a

rm -f /usr/bin/drush
ln -s /usr/local/drush-7.x/drush /usr/bin/drush

lolandese’s picture

I was hoping I could use something like
pear upgrade drush/drush-7.x
pear upgrade drush/drush-HEAD

Did a fresh manual install instead, as suggested.

Thanks anyway.

himanshubhawsar’s picture

Issue summary: View changes

I install Drush Version 8.0-dev Version, and it works fine.
