I am wondering how this module is different to Panels Extra Styles and to Clean Markup?


pyxio’s picture

The major difference is that Panels Extra Styles (except for the RAW wrapper which doesn't work well) is very stable, works well, and does not break anything. This module is very unstable, throws a lot of notices and even breaks panels. Stick with Panels Extra Styles for now.

From a functionality perspective, this module would beat PES... it adds a wrapper around the whole pane (PES does not) as well as the title and content which PES does effectively as well. This module also can do a lot more within the attribute tags whereas PES can only provide ID and class. Pity this doesn't work well as it has a lot of potential to be a panels must-have. Hope that helps. Cheers Kevin

emattias’s picture

What does semantic panels 1.2 break? And in what way is it unstable? Please create issues so that they can be fixed.

I havent used pes, so I can't say how it's different.

pyxio’s picture

Hi emattias,

You can search my name talengix in the issue queue over the last year to find a number of my issues that were never solved. I decided to check back in today to see if there might be a new release I can try since I would desperately like to use this module. Once again, majorly disappointed that neither of the two versions available worked. I will open a new issue with my experience today. cheers kevin.

drupov’s picture

#1 is a good explanation of the comparison, except that stability has never been a problem for me with Semantic Panels.

I started using Semantic Panels some time ago and so far I didn't have a single issue with it. IMO it works pretty stable and its integration with Fences is also very good.

The only place Panels Extra Styles has more functionality than Semantic Panels is the ability to wrap regions in extra markup. I'm kind of surprised that SP does not offer that. Therefore I opened a feature request issue for it here https://drupal.org/node/2140079 for anyone interested.

There is a lot of overlap in what both modules achieve, for me both are very stable and SP just has some more goodies as mentioned in #1. It would be good to see both projects join forces.

pyxio’s picture

Yes, the raw code wrapper of PES is great (when it works). Saves a lot of time having to modify panel pane templates. I also second the notion for this feature request. cheers kevin

osopolar’s picture

Title: How is this Module different to Panels Extra Styles? » How is this Module different to Panels Extra Styles an Clean Markup Module?
Issue summary: View changes

Panels Extra Styles seems to not get much love lately, last commit was from August 12, 2012.

I used Semantic Panels but the development also doesn't seem to be very active. Recently I found the Clean Markup module, which offers similar functionality to PSE and Semantic Panels and works well for me.

Finally I'd like to see forces joined on these very similar modules, #2087777: Collaborate with the semantic_panels module! ... maybe for Drupal 8.