Hey guys!

There is a jquery plugin called "Owl Carousel", that makes greats slideshows with mobile and desktop events. Here is its website: http://owlgraphic.com/owlcarousel/.

The Views Slideshow module uses a jquery plugin with only desktop events. How do I integrate OWL Carousel with Views Slideshow? What if is not possible, how do I create a new format or a module that makes exactly what the Views Slideshow does, but using the OWL Carousel to show the slideshow?

Is there some tutorial about it?

Thanks a lot!


RichieL’s picture

I've just stumbled upon Owl carousel and it looks great. I got straight on to Drupal to see if there was a module or some way to integrate it. I'll be keeping an eye out to see if anything emerges

thiagodemellobueno’s picture

This sunday I threw together a field formatter for OWL carousel integration.
Its pretty far along, and it's available here:
and the sandbox is here:

Also, someone else has been working on views integration... and I've contacted him about collaborating.

"It's Made of People!"

RichieL’s picture

Hey this is great news! thanks for letting me know! Very keen to try this out in the coming days!

MtnMn’s picture

Hi, has anyone been successful in getting this to work?

Djaps’s picture