Follow-up from #921048: Panels and display renderers.

I've created a custom display_renderer for editor (admin backend) for panels to apply classes based on style config. The idea is to have the panels composition interface match the presentation for a subset of the applied styles. (grid-width, etc)

I've successfully built the renderer and am able to use it, but I have to hack panels_get_renderer_handler to force the use of my renderer
~line 378
if ($plugin == 'editor') { $plugin = "custom_editor"; }

Is there a formal non-panels-hack method of forcing my renderer?

Renaming my renderer to "editor" and with a lower weight (in an attempt to override) caused issues, though they may have been unrelated. If that's the appropriate route, I'll continue that path.


DamienMcKenna’s picture

Title: Panels custom editor display_renderer » Option to change the editor renderer
Component: Documentation » Plugins - display renderers
Category: support » feature

This might be worth turning into a feature request to allow the editor renderer to be changed, just like how the display renderer currently can be changed.