I have two content types "content" and "legal" and some fields and permissions written to Datastore via configuration. I've edited the configuration of one of the fields directly in the data store array (config/field.node.field_legal_major.legal.inc) (specifically, altered field_instance[description]).

This change is not detected at admin/config/system/configuration under Tracking > Field.
"drush cgt" doesn't detect any change either.

Is there a way to detect a difference between the Datastore and the Activestore?


jonathan_hunt’s picture

FYI, "Synchronize configurations" did pull the changed configuration from Datastore to Activestore, but it would be good to know there's an outstanding difference before doing so.

hedley’s picture

I've also encountered this issue. I found that manually selecting the tracked item from within the UI and clicking 'Import Datastore to Activestore' did correctly sync the change.

hedley’s picture

Also clicking 'Synchronize configurations' does correctly sync the changes. I think it would be useful to be able to see all changes that are not in Sync before importing the Datastore.

I've checked and it seems that the configuration module displays changes depending on the hash of the file, see getStatus(). So maybe the changes are not shown at the point of updating the Datastore because the the configuration module has not yet seen the updated hash stored in tracked.inc?

dagmar’s picture