Having been pulled into a theme development project late in the game, I was hoping to just grab the existing dev site (on Pantheon, hence the alias in the drush command) and get to work developing locally. However:

~/websites$ drush @pantheon.dwi.dev ard --destination=dwi.tar
Archive saved to                                                            [ok]

But I can't open /srv/bindings, which means I can't move the tarbell into ~/websites to unzip and get going. I was planning to follow the procedure over in the quickstart project, which I've used with some success in the past. I can get into /srv fine, but it seems to be empty.

Anyone have a better way of yanking an existing site into DrupalPro?


mike stewart’s picture

I assume /srv/bindings is a local path? (If so, why not just dump somewhere in your $HOME path?) What are the user & group permissions on the folder? (try: ls -alF /srv/bindings or try: ls -alF /srv/bindings/5976bcc964aa410188b5b8dae1fa204f/code/).

More importantly, can you share debugging output from the drush command? Do this:

drush -d @pantheon.dwi.dev ard --destination=dwi.tar

Note: the -d command option. Also, be sure to "sanitize" any output you share to remove passwords or other sensetive data.